Sailing with a dog

My girlfriend likes it in the holidays, even though Stine is Danish, or Viking. And Esta, your, or, in the meantime, our dog, likes it dry.

In case of rain, you have to force them to go for a Walk. A surprising reluctance on the part of Havaneserin. The breed originates from the Mediterranean region, as one might think, Esta love water. But no.

All of these points in Scandinavia from close as a travel destination, on a sailing boat. But I Wake Stines interest with the prospect of a cosy archipelago-Hopping somewhere on the lake vänern in southwestern Sweden. The internal area is weather protected as the coast, not bad at all for entry into this type of holiday. Also, it is for all Parties more pleasant to bathe in fresh water. The forest, lots of blueberries, solitude and Wide, tons of stick for Esta … “are you Allowed to take a dog with you on a chartered boat?”, ask Stine. A phone call later, I’m smarter than that: Yes, no Problem, is it from Sweden. The Charter company have a dog and also a Shop for boat accessories, since there is even a small swimming vest for Esta.

“when are you coming?”

We come in August. High summer, at least according to the calendar. A first boot test is not the ferry from Kiel to Gothenburg, where the barely noticeable Rocking of the Goliath shell is comparable with the seakeeping of a Nut. Nevertheless, I am confident in Estas sails premiere: she likes both the Wind and the Rocking, how many bike box rides in the front of the small wood on my Front rack already proven. Coupled with a degree of Coolness and trust in God in the driver. Only in the case of wild Swerving and evasive maneuvers, she turns her head and looks at me questioningly. But no sign of fear.


Now on newsstands: the new DOGS.

The ferry is no Problem at all. Except for a minimal Vibration and a slight Humming paint it on the ship, nothing that could irritate the world and perception of a dog. Unusually, only the limited Radius is: The visit to the Restaurants is not allowed with the dog. On the upper and sun deck and the Bar, we are not allowed to. Ultimately, the dog deck los is but, in any case, the nicest and most exclusive place on Board: not much up there, and one is among like-minded people.

The next Morning, we reached Göteborg. Still in the Harbor, the police is waiting. Luckily, not on us, because we had notified the Esta online in advance correctly for the entry, but a means of alcohol control. Us by waving, so that we arrive in the afternoon in Kristinehamn on lake vänern. Krister Valuation of the company Elvina Marin will welcome us back. “I am delighted guests from abroad,” he says. Finally, customers who do not mock the Vänern as a duck pond verse. Unlike the Stockholm. Probably, therefore, we must choose one of two ships. We take the one with the longer Mast, that is to say, the faster. Unfortunately, it is not the heating, which is still to be as an error and is cause for accusations of my girlfriend. A quick fitting of the lifejacket for Esta. She keeps everything to himself, looking at but she wanted to say: What’s all the fuss? I can’t swim! Extremely unhappy she looks, as you Stine lifts on a trial basis at the provided handle. What wonder, while it may be convenient, robs the animal, but each Would be: Esta looks like a botched design handbag with real fur. We decide to wear the classic on the Arm Board. This is Good if you have dog, no St. Bernard, but a lap.


The bone hunters: on the Road with a dog that is the secret weapon for the police

“as Long as we are in the vicinity …”

In the new environment on Board, there is as expected no difficulties in adapting. Short introductory round on the Deck, a blanket on the cockpit bench and good. A large floating dog house. “As long as we are in the vicinity,” says Stine, “that can happen anyway, what it wants to.” Because we are human, unfortunately, is a bit more complicated. Esta me of us against three of them already at the most relaxed, which reassured me as a responsible captain enormously. I would like the sailing and boat life for all Involved. Don’t want to share this Passion with my favorite people (and animals), what has worked, unfortunately, with every attempt in the past. A residual risk remains when sailing.

Stine’s mood rises and falls with the weather. In their capacity as a dog Mama, it will also be crucial, as in “lille skat”, your little sweetheart, to respond to the sailing bash. Esta should have, contrary to expectations, not a single Seebein, as they say, is signing off on the nearest islet, and the Experiment was declared a failure. To be avoided at all costs. So let’s do it quietly. We spend the first night unspectacular in the port. The next day a short first gear to the supermarket: “The Vänern is so lonely, that you should back up for a few days of food”, had Krister said. And if we could get a boat Koller and us to civilization so longed for, we would have to drive to Karlstad. Otherwise, we get the tip from the sailing club Kristinehamn in the morning on the Clubschäre takes place, only a few miles away. The Motto Of The Caribbean. Sounds nice. “And hot,” says Stine. Unfortunately, the weather, the Motto of don’t know it yet: Shortly after the leak, a serious cloud appears, angry, blue-grey, tending to Purple. As a huge hematoma in the sky.

With the screen at the wheel

“This is only a short shower,” I say, as to me feels like quail eggs on the hood hail. Woman and dog forgiven under the Deck and hand me an umbrella. Well, that’s me, no other sailors to see. With umbrella on the tax! To the sea God Rasmus praying that the summer of the century, please, not now, here and today, to the other Extreme tipping may.

We decide to stay the night in Kristinehamn. This means drinking tea, Smörrebröd eat, walk the Dog, go to sleep early. We have the good sense not to miss anything in our spacious dog kennel with Teakausbau. “Hyggelig,” I say, although Stine can’t hear the word gradually. I want to emphasize the coziness and say: “Is nice. The inflationary Danish export term leads to a high Candles.” Stine looks at me seriously, then says: “but no heating.”

the next day, different weather,

Thank you, Rasmus! Quickly on to the legs, fresh bread rolls can buy Esta with the local scents familiar and dann: Leinen los! The sun is back, a gentle breeze driving us through the bullerby backdrop. Only a stake, a back Board located, irritated. According to our guide, it is Picasso’s “greatest work of art”, with size in this case is actually only on the unit of measurement in meters.

The lake opens up to the horizon and beyond, so I think once again: When I see the lake, I don’t need the sea anymore. Esta stands on her hind legs, but stays in the Cockpit and sniffs your personal chart. In case of fog, you could probably replace even the radar device. The more Geschnüffel, the closer the country. Kind of soothing. The Wind, the boat tilts. Esta looks to us for counselling. As you recognize, neither Stine nor at me in a panic, she lays on her blanket and decides to relax. As a reward, there are a few Swedish treats. “And if you must go for a Walk?”, ask Stine. I wave from. “There are enough trees. We are yet again somewhere in the country.” In the afternoon we make on the Clubschäre. Krister has announced to us as the “German press boot velvet dog”. We are experiencing a warm Welcome, as it helps us Create. Esta is immediately Everybody’s Darling and finds two guys who throw sticks for you. Stine and I, meanwhile, put our stuff on the community grill. The mood is good, the liquor circulates, the crayfish are divided. Stine’s eyes light up. And I can’t make enough photos, so great the place is. At best, I find that the group of the motor boat driver has its own Clubschäre, five hundred meters. You have to know that sailors and motor boat drivers are two different species who despise each other are maintained. At least that is the custom in Germany (Un).

The islet is large enough for a long walk. Four legs need more outlet than two. With your sable fur Esta mimicry operates. On some mosses it is adapted perfectly, if you would not dash the whole time excited about, one would have difficulty to find you. But on this small island you can go bad lost. Also, your lack of hunting instinct ensures that never more than fifty meters from us.

next destination: Karlstad

After three days we long for a decent Cappuccino. Our next destination Karlstad. Especially since Esta also want to read “newspaper”, as Stine’s called your urban welded upper. The first smell of the city puts us humans in rapture. Directly on the Harbor, a coffee roastery and cafe is located. Unlike in Denmark, Esta may. “A plus point for the Swedes,” says Stine. That’s saying something, since it behaves the same for Danes and Swedes in the same way as sailors and motor boat drivers. An extensive first gear is enough to know that we don’t want to linger here forever. Wilderness and Wide. The faster than expected and all three apply to us equally. During the week we are virtually alone on the lake and can give us the berths and moorings to choose. A walk in the country with the Esta, I find even some of the summer porcini mushrooms, this can happen as a sailor also, not all day. In the evening we remember: So lonely it was not to country but, as we reap Estas ticks, price and downside for the Wilderness. Nevertheless, our conclusion is unanimous, as we leave the boat: Experiment and holiday are successful. When can we go again?

More stories that happen only with your dog, you will find the new DOGS!

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